Adams Elderberry Plants
Begins shipping spring 2025
Zones 3-9
Pollinator required to bear fruit
A fuss-free elderberry that tolerates clay soil.
The fast-growing plant has shiny green leaves and some of nature’s prettiest, most aromatic fruiting flowers in May. The blooms are edible (do not eat the leaves, stems or roots) and can be used for tea, wine and cordials. If left undisturbed, the flowers develop into large clusters of fruit that contains high levels of vitamin C. If you’ve been picking wild elderberries, try a cultivar and experience the higher quality and better consistency. Cold-hardy. Ripens in August. Pollinator required: Choose any other elderberry variety.
Bloom Color | White |
Fruit Color | Purple |
Fruit Size | Medium-Small |
Taste | Sweet |
Texture | Firm, juicy |
Ripens/Harvest | August |
Soil Composition | Loamy |
Soil pH Level | 5.5-6-5 |
Shade Level | Full Sun |
Years to Bear | 2-3 |
Hardiness Zone Range | 3-9 |
Size & Spacing
This variety requires another one for adequate pollination.
Cross-pollination by a different variety is key to its growing and bearing success. Plant a different variety within 15 meters (50 feet) for best pollination.
How do I find my Hardiness Zone?
Canada’s Plant Hardiness Zones will tell you which plants will do well in your particular climate. Each zone is determined by the lowest average winter temperature recorded in a given area. Hardiness Zone information is included on all tree and plant product pages, so you know instantly whether a certain plant is likely to succeed where you live. Natural Resources Canada provides helpful options to find your zone:
William Johnston –
Produces huge panicles of flowers for pollinators and an abundance of berries. Just 1 Adam’s and 1 John’s elderberry bushes planted 8’ apart produced enough berries in the 2nd season to harvest and store (dehydrated) for the whole year. I may even try making wine next year as they ferment very quickly.
Clara Todd –
With all the rain coming to Ohio especially in Cleveland, my elderberry plants are tall and have large umbrellas of flowers and green berries. I see that they need lots of water…they took off this summer.
Lisa Brunette –
We planted 1 bush of the Adams next to 1 of the Nova variety in the fall of 2019, and by the summer of 2020, we had a huge crop of elderberries.
Monica Ampar –
I ordered two Adams Elderberries EZ Starts and about a week later received a long box on a Sunday afternoon. I opened it up to discover two sticks (literally) Put them in a bucket of water for a few hours and planted them later that afternoon (early June, Northern Virginia). In two weeks, one “stick” was already developing new green shoots (Interestingly when I received that “stick” it had a tiny green shoot so already looked promising) Unfortunately, the other “stick” must have been “dead on arrival” because two weeks in the ground and there was no action. I contacted Stark and they will be sending a replacement. About the same time, I also planted two other Elderberry root starts obtained from different sources. The Stark “EZ Start” has outperformed both of them.
Paul Kelley –
The Adams elderberries I bought 2 one took off the other were a bit slower but alive and doing well. Now one has blooms the other is doing good. Will remove the blooms since I have only had them a few months. Let them put there energy into a great plant. Happy with both plants.
Susan Hopper –
I bought both an Adams elderberry and a Yorky elderberry and planted them near each other I put Chicken wire around both of them for the first winter to protect them from deer and rabbits ,now I took the wire off because it is spring time and they are growing fast. Of course no berries this first year but I am looking forward to maybe a few next year and a full crop the year after. The plants at this time both look very healthy and are growing nicely. At this point in time I am very very satisfied with my purchase From stark brothers. Can’t wait to see what happens next year.
Scott Foster –
I purchased two bare root Adam’s Elderberry and planted them in the spring of 2018. Also, planted two St John’s at the same time for cross-pollination.As of June 2019, all four elderberry plants are over 6ft tall, all have set fruit, and all of them are spreading by suckers. I have a naturalized landscape with black locust, raspberries, currants, comfrey, Willow, Apple trees, and etc. These are an excellent addition to a large area you are trying to make a little more naturalized. If you have limited space, you may want to reconsider or be aware that these will take off.I live in zone 6A with lots of rain — planting method: no soil amendments with trio planting and a top dressing of wood chips. Plants are healthy and very vigorous.
Kimberly Patton –
This is the second year since I planted my Adams Elderberry. It has more than doubled in size and thriving. I’m looking forward to the eventual berries.
Nancy Hicks –
It is still alive but not growing well. Other things around it are thriving. Still growing roots, may be?
I ordered four elderberries, two for me, two for a neighbor in 2018. Her two, Adams, and York (which is the only one with flower budding right now.May 1st, zone 7a) look so much better than mine I suspect subterfuge. (Teasing). Mine bloomed last year and are leafing out nicely, just not as robustly as hers.